Changing legacy code, made less painful

Rescuing Legacy Code by Extracting Pure Functions. Come across strange, pre-existing code. Decide you need to change it. Follow the pattern described herein. Apply TDD afterwards. I so wish someone had shown me this technique years and years ago. Also, Composed Method (from Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns) is so great, I can't even put it into words.

Sleep is the best

Sleep deprivation is not a badge of honor:

This is why I’ve always tried to get about 8 1/2 hours of sleep. That seems to be the best way for me to get access to peak mental performance. You might well require less (or more), but to think you can do with 6 hours or less is probably an illusion. Worse, it’s an illusion you’ll have a hard time bursting. Sleep-deprived people often vastly underestimate the impact on their abilities, studies have shown.

Like David, I put a high value on sleep. I go out of my way to make sure I get my seven hours. If I don’t, my brain gets messy and less useful, plus the attendant stubbornness and crankiness of being short on sleep.

Figure out how much sleep you need every night and make sure you get it. You’ll do much better work for it.

Also: naps are fantastic.

Pass interference: can't live with it, can't live without it.

Bill Barnwell on revamping defensive penalties. Pass interference is tough business in the NFL. It's one of the easiest calls to get wrong on the field (besides the myriad of missed holding calls), but the easiest to fix with a slow-motion camera. It's too easy for both sides to game it as well. There's some good ideas in here, but I think just making pass interference calls and non-calls is a simple first step.

The pitfalls of growing a team

Premature Ramp-up, Martin Fowler on the perils of building up a development team too quickly: loss of code cohesion, breakdown of communication, plus the business costs of on-boarding. The problem I'm more concerned with, when growing a software team, is maintaining culture.

Adding a new person to a team is a process of integrating the new person’s unique good qualities to the team’s existing culture. It’s critical to use their prior experiences to clean up the sharp edges of the existing team practice without accidentally integrating new sharp edges. It’s a careful balancing act of taking advantage of the beginner’s mind and cultural indoctrination. Both sides have to give and take.

If you grow too quickly, it’s very easy for this balancing act to get, well, out of balance. The new people are only indoctrinated and the team doesn’t learn, or the new people don’t understand the team and go about doing whatever they felt was successful at their previous gig.

Its common to focus on the difficulty of recruiting a team, but finding a culture match and growing that culture is equally, if not more, challenging.

A food/software change metaphor

Are You Changing the Menu or the Food? Incremental change, the food metaphor edition. It's about software and startups. But food too. Think "software" when he says "food". Just read it, OK?

Practical words on mocking

Practical Mock Advice is practical:

Coordinator objects like controllers are driven into existence because you need to hook two areas of your application together. In Rails applications, you usually drive the controller into existence using a Cucumber scenario or some other integration test. Most of the time controllers are straightforward and not very interesting: essentially a bunch of boilerplate code to wire your app together. In these cases the benefit of having isolated controller tests is very little, but the cost of creating and maintaining them can be high.

A general rule of thumb is this: If there are interesting characteristics or behaviors associated with a coordinator object and it is not well covered by another test, by all means add an isolated test around it and know that mocks can be very effective.

Includes the standard description of how to use mocks with external services. But more interesting are his ideas and conclusions on when to mock, how to mock caching implementations, and how to mock controllers/presenters/coordinator objects.

Refactor to modules, for great good

Got a class or model that’s getting a little too fat? Refactor to Modules. I’ve done this a few times lately, and I’ve always liked the results. Easier to test, easier to understand, smaller files. As long as you’ve got a tool like ctags to help you navigate between methods, there’s no indirection penalty either.

That said, I’ve seen code that is overmodule’d. But, that almost always goes along with odd callback structures that obscure the flow-of-control. As long as you stick to Ruby’s method lookup semantics, it’s smooth sailing.

Booting your project, no longer a giant pain

So your app has a few dependencies. A database here, a queue there, maybe a cache. Running all that stuff before you start coding is a pain. Shutting it all down can prove even more tedious.

Out of nowhere, I find two solutions to this problem. takeup seems more streamlined; clone a script, write a YAML config. foreman is a gem that defines a Procfile format for defining your project’s dependencies. Both handle all the particulars of starting your app up, shutting it down, etc.

I haven’t tried either of these because, of course, they came out the same week I bite the bullet and write a shell script to automate it on my projects. But I’m very pleased that folks are scratching this itch and hope I’ll have no choice but to start using one when it reaches critical goodness.

Ruby's roots in AWK

AWK-ward Ruby. One man Unix wrecking squad Ryan Tomayko reflects on aspects of Ruby that arguably grew from AWK more than Perl. Great archaeology, but also a good gateway drug to understanding how awk is a useful tool. Only recently have I started to really grok awk, but it’s super handy for ad-hoc data munging in the shell.

Humankind's genius turned upon itself

When We Tested Nuclear Bombs. An absolutely fantastic collection of photos from the nuclear test program. Beautiful to look at, terrifying to contemplate the ramifications in context. It’s harrowing to think that one of science’s greatest achievements could undo so much of science’s achievement.

Don't complain, make things better

notes on “an empathetic plan”:

Worse is when the the people doing the complaining also make software or web sites or iPhone applications themselves. As visible leaders of the web, I think there are a lot of folks who could do a favor to younger, less experienced people by setting an example of critiquing to raise up rather than critiquing to tear down.

If you’re a well known web or app developer who complains a lot on Twitter about other people’s projects, I am very likely talking about you. You and I both know that there are many reasons why something works a certain way or why something in the backend would affect the way something works on the front-end.

Set agreement to maximum. If you’re complaining on Twitter just to make yourself feel better, keep in mind that some of us are keeping score.

Don’t waste your time griping and bringing other people down. Spend your time making better things.

Perfection isn't sustainable

Perfect vs. interesting:

When an interesting person is momentarily not-interesting, I wait patiently. When a perfect organization, the boring one that's constantly using its policies to dumb things down, is imperfect, I get annoyed. Because perfect has to be perfect all the time.
More and more, I think perfection is the biggest enemy of those who want to ship awesome things. Iteration can lead to moments of perfection, but perfection is not sustainable over time.

Using Conway's Law for the power of good

Michael Feathers isn’t so quick to place negative connotations on Conway’s Law. Perhaps it’s not so much that organizations don’t communicate well, the traditional reading of Conway’s Law. Maybe as organizations grow, people tend to only communicate frequently with a few people and those interactions end up defining the API layers.

I’ve been thinking about this a bit lately. It’s possible there’s something to be said about using Conway’s Law to your advantage when building service-based shearing layers. Some parts of your application should evolve quickly, others require more stability. Some iterate based on user and conversion testing, others iterate as TDD or BDD projects. You can discover these layers by observing team interactions and using Conway’s Law to define where the APIs belong.

Hell is other people's concurrency

The first rule of evented programming is, don’t block the event loop! Mathias Meyer’s great intro to Ruby’s EventMachine library. Non-blocking IO is so hot right now. But remember, it’s just a tool on your concurrency utili-belt. Remember to reach for coroutines, threads, actors, and STMs too.

Bloom, a language with time travel

Bloom, a language for disordered (whut!) distributed programming with powerful consistency analysis and concise, familiar syntax (the prototype is built on Ruby):

Traditional languages like Java and C are based on the von Neumann model, where a program counter steps through individual instructions in order. Distributed systems don’t work like that. Much of the pain in traditional distributed programming comes from this mismatch:  programmers are expected to bridge from an ordered programming model into a disordered reality that executes their code.  Bloom was designed to match–and exploit–the disorderly reality of distributed systems.  Bloom programmers write programs made up of unordered collections of statements, and are given constructs to impose order when needed.
Interested to see how languages will push the assumption that time proceeds from earlier to later as one reads down a source file.

The joy of logs

Logs Are Streams, Not Files:

But a better conceptual model is to treat logs as time-ordered streams: there is no beginning or end, but rather an ongoing, collated collection of events which we may wish to view in realtime as they happen (e.g. via tail -f or heroku logs --tail) or which we may wish to search in some time window (e.g. via grep or Splunk).
Work on an app with a couple dozen servers, a handful of databases, and several moving parts and you start to realize that logs are one of your best friends. They're useful for troubleshooting, performance monitoring, and just knowing how your application works in reality, under real traffic.

I’ve tinkered with building deeper APIs for logging within applications and services, but I think Adam Wiggins is on the right path here (not the first time either). Logging should be as simple as possible in applications. All the smarts for aggregating, searching, and extracting interesting information should happen after the data is collected. Using standard out instead of files is a fantastic idea too.

I'm Corgi-internet famous

Noel Rappin's Advice on TDD

Testing Advice in Eleven Steps. My favorite:

At any given moment, the next test has some chance of costing you time in the short term. The problem is it’s nearly impossible to tell which tests will cost the time. Play the odds, write the test. Over the long haul, the chance that the tests are really the bottleneck are, in my experience, quite small.

All eleven are pretty handy for those like myself who still feel like they have a lot to learn about TDD, BDD, et. al.

Bundler, not as bad as they say

Of all the new moving parts in Rails 3, the one I see the most grousing over is Bundler. This is not surprising, as its a big part of how your application works and it's right up front in the process of porting or building Rails 3 apps.Bundler: As Simple as What You Did Before:

Bundler has a lot of advanced features, and it’s definitely possible to model fairly complex workflows. However, we designed the simple case to be extremely simple, and to usually be even less work than what you did before. The problem often comes when trying to handle a slightly off-the-path problem, and using a much more complex solution than you need to. This can make everything much more complicated than it needs to be.

I haven't run into anything with Bundler that I couldn't solve with a little critical thinking and maybe a little searching. On the other hand, Bundler has made getting dependencies straight amongst team members and deploying them to production servers far easier than it was before. I'm very glad that while it's not strictly part of the scope of Rails, that Bundler is now part of it.

Language and brains, an update

Does Your Language Shape How You Think? An update on the current thinking around the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the one about language and the words therein shaping the thoughts you can and cannot form.