Of all the new moving parts in Rails 3, the one I see the most grousing over is Bundler. This is not surprising, as its a big part of how your application works and it's right up front in the process of porting or building Rails 3 apps.Bundler: As Simple as What You Did Before:

Bundler has a lot of advanced features, and it’s definitely possible to model fairly complex workflows. However, we designed the simple case to be extremely simple, and to usually be even less work than what you did before. The problem often comes when trying to handle a slightly off-the-path problem, and using a much more complex solution than you need to. This can make everything much more complicated than it needs to be.

I haven't run into anything with Bundler that I couldn't solve with a little critical thinking and maybe a little searching. On the other hand, Bundler has made getting dependencies straight amongst team members and deploying them to production servers far easier than it was before. I'm very glad that while it's not strictly part of the scope of Rails, that Bundler is now part of it.