Comedy, haha
Stream of curiosity
Questions going through my head right now:
- Why is “The Men All Pause” seven minutes long?
- What was the point of that “heavy breathing” break?
- Was it really necessary to have six ladies in Klymaxx?
- Why am I listening to this again?
Catch up with 30 Rock
OK, here’s the deal. If you’re not watching 30 Rock, you’re not watching the best show on TV. There I said it. Fortunately, you’ve got time to catch up; the show doesn’t come back until October 30th. To whet your appetite, I give you clips summarizing the “lives” of the two main characters, played by Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey.
Some language twins teach each other
SNL Transcripts: Luke Perry: 02/06/93: Weekend Update with Kevin Nealon:
That wasn't English, Keith! I mean, you're talking in Esperanto, or some language twins teach each other! I mean, the King's English, man! I mean, throw us a bone man - alright!
I wanted to post a video of the Weekend Update skit where Mike Myers plays Mick Jagger and Mick Jagger plays Keith Richards, but it appears such video does not exist on the web. You’ll just have to read the transcript and make it happen in your head.
Save it for your iVillage blog
I started playing Halo 3 again this week. I am quite rusty at it now - I think I regressed while others greatly advanced. But, that’s a digression.
So I dropped into matchmaking on Xbox Live this morning and joined a group playing the new maps. As I entered the game lobby, a guy was yammering on. It wasn’t your typical “UR GAY” banter you normally get on Xbox Live. This guy was going on about his very mundane Sunday afternoon, even detailing the sandwich he’d had. Now, since the level of decorum on Xbox Live is pretty low (read: non-existent), I put him in his place.
I told him to “save it for his iVillage blog.”
Dead silence…lesson learned! 30 Rock viewers and those playing Halo 3 are a pretty disparate set.
LOL License
Boy, do I have a treat for you! And by “treat”, I mean embarrassing for me, hilarious for you.
I found the license I got on my eighteenth birthday. Back in the day when I had long hair and looked, more or less, like Jesus. And, wore Hawaiian shirts quite frequently. For some reason, I decided not to smile. As you can see, the sum of all this is that I end up looking like a convict.
Laugh it up, fuzzballs.
Write a script in April for Script Frenzy
Script Frenzy – wherein one writes a script in the month of April. I’m tempted to take part, though I’m sure it’d would end up in detriment to all the other plates I have spinning.