Best of 2022
Television: Severance (Apple TV), Andor (Disney+)
Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once
Music: deep dives into Carly Simon, Nina Simone, J Dilla
Book: Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut
Blog: Pain Don’t Hurt (a 365 day series of short essays on Roadhouse)
By my calculations, I managed to write about fifty pages between my blogs this year. That’s about double what I wrote in 2021, so I’m pretty happy with where I ended up here! 💪
My best writing this year, in my opinion:
Classical music that is terribly edited in commercials
- “Also Sprach Zarathustra”, Richard Strauss, the opening
- “Symphony No. 6”, Beethoven
- the rest of the Western classical music canon
Think your thoughts
We live in the most amazing time for ideas. They’re all over the place. It’s never been easier to share them, and indeed they are shared at a phenomenal pace1.
It’s so easy to find ideas that it’s a little difficult to squeeze our ideas into the noise. Plenty of folks will tell you how to “build an audience”, but I want to make it personal.
Build an audience with yourself!
Make room for your thoughts to exist in your head despite all the noise that exists in our modern world.
1. Clear mornings
I’m a morning person. I do my best work early in the day. Look at my calendar, you’ll see this. One giant, defensive block to focus in the morning and get stuff done. Please — do not schedule me in the morning2!
However, I’ve come to think there’s more to a good morning than a clear schedule. Having a clear mind, with stillness and lack of lingering stressors, helps a lot! If I wake up with something bouncing around in my head, seize it or solve it. Write it down to think it through or solve tension3 my brain has dwelled on overnight.
Going deeper into a clear mind reveals the absence of others. A truly spectacular morning of creativity correlates to (almost) exclusively thinking my thoughts. My ideas in my head4 — great! Someone else’s idea, via social media, television, books; promising, but likely not as good.
2. Attention machines
Among books, television, podcast, radio, etc., ideas via social media are particularly hard to avoid. I have to put a lot of discipline/energy into “don’t open socials, chats, emails, news, etc.” before 11:30am lest another idea trample over my idea.
Modern social media has evolved, in form and function, to bypass the smart part of our brains and go straight for the emotional and often irrational part. It’s the upsetting and frustrating ideas that stick with me when I use social media. Rarely do I open my laptop, read social media for a few minutes until a good idea comes up, and then close the laptop to go think about it.
The doom-scroll demands more scroll.
The upside is, we may also live in a moment where the abundance of ideas surfaced by attention machines comes into balance as alternatives to hyper-scaled social networks come into play. I’m hopeful that to a smaller extent, Robin Sloan’s words on de-leveraging from Twitter will start to ring true as Twitter, in particular, fades from prominence:
The speed with which Twitter recedes in your mind will shock you. Like a demon from a folktale, the kind that only gains power when you invite it into your home, the platform melts like mist when that invitation is rescinded.
3. No retreat
The previous is not to imply that attention machines aren’t useful! I don’t want to Waldenpond or go full digital luddite. When I squint at it with optimism, some forms of social media look like a networked/distributed system attempting to reach a consensus5.
There are less intense attention machines that aren’t built around hyper-tuned engagement loops. Basically anything where I have a list of things to watch/read/enjoy is an attention machine: a Netflix watch list, YouTube subscriptions, Substack subscriptions, and the humble/old RSS reader. These don’t demand that I stay in a loop, thinking other people’s thoughts and consuming the surrounding ads. Which is useful because I want to get other people’s thoughts, but only on my terms.
I find that my thoughts are more interesting if I prime them with idea from specific authors via various primary sources, social networks and otherwise. It’s thrilling to discover new scenes, folks self-organizing into web-rings and networks and chats to think about or share the commonality and challenge of their work or hobby. Having that kind of energy bouncing around in my head tends to improve my ideas rather than dilute them like hyper-scaled social networks might.
Bottom line: keep using the web to find fascinating people and scenes, participate in a few of them.
4. Seize your thoughts
I return to A Precious Hour from Rands in Repose, a lot:
Each day I blocked off a precious hour to build something.
Every day. One hour. No matter what.
Every day? Yup. Including weekends.
An hour? Yup, 60 full minutes. More if I can afford it.
Doing what? The definition of “building a thing” is loose. All I know is that I get rid of my to-do list, I tuck the iPhone safely away, and if there is a door, I close it. Whether it’s an hour of Choose yourownadventure Wikipedia research, an intense writing session, or endlessly tinkering with the typography on the site, it’s an hour well spent.
Make the most of the mornings (afternoons, evenings, whenever it is for you). Work the thoughts I find compelling, not merely upsetting or prevalent. Share it with interesting people. That’s how an exciting life of thinking my own ideas happens6.
- For better or worse! 😬🤷 ↩
- This is as much a message to myself as anyone else. Too many times I’ve scheduled an appointment in the morning thinking “surely it will be fine this time” and surely enough current-me regrets the decisions of past-me. ↩
- Usually: think it through by writing it down. ↩
- What a concept! ↩
- See also: Graph Minds. ↩
- I think! ↩
Driverless Crocodile, Nostalgia Revisited:
Nostalgia: a kind of homesickness for the past.
Another way of putting it: the longing you will have in future for the places and people around you now.
Time’s arrow is a hell of a thing.
Top of Mind No. 2
How I work: what might “pairing” with a language model-based assistant (e.g. GPT-3) look like?
How I build: the tension between the web platform being more capable than ever versus the difficulty of standing up many kinds of “basic” applications. e.g. animation is better/more sophisticated than ever, but skipping ahead with building web/database applications requires expertise and a few hours to get something up and running.
How I collaborate: encouraging teams to work in issue threads, thereby improving the quality of thinking (via writing) and building ambient, asynchronous awareness amongst teammates.
An ideal weekend
Nothing, nothing, nothing makеs me happy
Nothing brings me nothing but joy
So if you haven’t tried nada
I really think you oughta
— C. Fischoeder, Bob’s Burgers
On minor funks, needing a reset, and indeed doing nothing.
The Reset. Occasionally, the things I do stop doing it for me. Games, shows, books, magazines, etc. I pick them up and realize I’m bored with all of them. I require a break from my breaks.
Oddly enough, taking a vacation or extended weekend with too little purpose or purpose too close to routine seems to generate the same response.
The Reset almost always involves going offline, to some extent. Not like Craig Mod hiking through rural Japan1. It sometimes involves catching up on chores, tidying up the house, or extremely low-key home improvement2.
Related: YouTube could use a function for this. “All my subscriptions & recommendations aren’t doing it, we need to go weirder/normal-er”.
Doing absolutely nothing is an option, but ends up feeling a little more hollow than free-ing.
More often, rebelling against my routines and script-following tendencies works. Binge-watching, grinding a game, ignoring diet, etc. sometimes get me clear.
The trickiest bit is when I’m in An Indefinite Funk. Hobbies seem shallow or meant to impress others or not fulfilling anymore or too much like work or too expensive/intensive to maintain.
So far, I don’t have a great antidote for that. Last time it happened to me, I reverted two decades to making music, decided it still wasn’t for me, and went back to enjoying and sometimes studying/pontificating on music.
Going offline is in some ways a luxurious and nice way to reset. We so rarely allow ourselves a moment or location of offline-ness. If you have to book a flight or outfit your Porsche 911 for camping, so be it. It’s fine to just put your online devices in another room, too.
Recommended: do yourself an Ideal Weekend 3:
- Get coffee
- Go for a walk in a nice park
- Take a nap
- Read a book
- Go for a swim
- Stroll through the vibrant part of your town
Any weekend that includes most of those is likely to give me a reset such that any funk that is imminent or currently occurring goes away.
One thing at a time, incrementally
Only Solve One New Problem At A Time, Ben Nadel:
The example he gives in the episode is "learning Golang". Understanding how to use Golang was a new problem for the company. As such, in order to start integrating Golang into their work, they applied it in the context of an already-solved problem: sending emails. This way, Golang was the "one thing" they were solving—the email-sending logic already existed in Ruby; and, they just had to port it over to a new application server.
Good advice for any developer at any experience level1!
The ability to focus on one concern at a time is possibly the mark of a senior developer. It takes experience to ignore other factors as noise. It takes time to learn how to avoid tripping on distractions/side-quests. Distinguishing useful, new information from distraction and noise is the mark of a focused senior developer.
The trick for juniors, is they’re always learning more than one thing at a time, often on accident. They want to build a feature, but it requires a new library, and it requires learning the library. They went to start up my development server, but then something weird happens with Unix. It's the essential challenge of being a junior – they’re just getting started, so they’re always learning a couple of things at a time2.
If I could be so bold as to add a corollary to the rule of "one new problem at a time", I'd suggest that if it can't be done incrementally, don't do it. Over the last 6-years, feature flags have revolutionized the way that I work. And, a majority-stake in that change is the fact that everything I do is now built and integrated incrementally. Until you've worked this way, it's hard to even articulate why this is so powerful. But, I literally can't imagine building anything of any significance without an incremental path forward.
Working incrementally: absolutely, more people should do this. Even seniors. Especially myself!
Now, the tables can turn. I’ve observed juniors who are more adept at working incrementally than seniors. Because they’re tripping over other tasks all the time, the junior has to work in smaller increments to make progress.
Perversely, a senior who can see the whole feature/change in their head is sometimes tempted to push the whole thing through in one (large) change. Developers who have learned3 to avoid pitfalls and gotchas sometimes have to relearn how to work incrementally.
I speak from experience! Working incrementally is something I consciously have to work towards. Conjuring a masterpiece into existence in a fury of git pushes and one pristine pull request feels good. On net, a big bang of development is a detriment to my team. An early pull request, small tactical commits, and a write-up to describe why and how I got there are more useful to align the team and spread ideas.
Previously: one priority is like wind in the sails.
- I’m looking a this sentence again, double checking it, and yes this is a global pronouncement about programming and developers and yes I think it carries its weight↩
- Or even worse, accidentally learning things that aren’t relevant to what they’re trying to tackle. Sometime, ask me how excited I was about Tcl/Tk in 1998, arguably several years past the apex of that language/toolkit. ↩
- Often through the luck/privilege of having lots of time to practice/tinker at programming outside the job! ↩
How I would explain music to an alien
Were I faced with an intelligence not of this earth, but one that shares our understanding of what music is/for, these are the exemplars I would hold up for them to understand our cultures through my favorites:
- Hip-hop: “So whatcha want”, The Beastie Boys
- Rock and roll: “Highway to Hell”, AC/DC
- Symphonies: “Symphony No. 7”, Beethoven
- Pop: “Walkin' on Sunshine”, Katrina and the Waves
- Jazz: “Giant Steps”, John Coltrane
- Funk: “Mothership Connection”, Parliament
Dilla Time
Dilla Time is a great book for music history enthusiasts. If you’re at all interested in hip-hop, music production, or sample culture, it’s a must-read. The references to lesser-known hip-hop are worth the time investment alone.
I saw a critique of the book saying it is a 200-page book hiding in 400 pages[1]. I think Dilla Time justifies its page count in a pleasingly clever way. The book overlays the biography of James Yancey with the innovations of J Dilla in much the same way. Chapters on Yancey and Dilla alternate, taking turns. A little bit about Yancey’s musical life, a little bit about his nonmusical life. Once I realized Dilla’s music was about overlaying ideas at odds and the book was about overlaying the man and the music, I was a little giddy and a lot jealous that I hadn’t thought of something like that.
The book is basically two story lines: a biography of James Yancey and the story of his musical innovations and influences as J Dilla. The latter is, in a nutshell, a great explanation of how Dilla programmed electronics (drum machines, samplers, etc.) to overlay musical patterns that had not gone together previously.
Let’s assume it’s safe to say that Stravinsky was the master of (riotously) dissonant harmonies. He put notes that should not go together right on top of each other! In the same way, we’d have to say that J Dilla was the master of wielding time in a way that was not previously accepted in musical rhythm. Stravinsky overlaid perfect fifths (good) and tritones (bad!). Dilla overlaid straight (classical) and swung rhythms (jazz) and even moved notes around the beat, to similar effect.
The tricky thing about listening to J Dilla, as a modern listener, is that it doesn’t sound as drastic as it did fifteen years ago. Similarly, Stravinsky doesn’t sound revolutionary to our ears, one hundred years on. They both “just” sound like how music is made these days. Dilla Time does an outstanding job putting his innovations in context and particularly visualizing how his musical constructs stood apart from what came before him.
Obviously, I enjoyed this book a lot. Check it out.
To be fair, most books could stand to lose a third or more of their page count. ↩
Get professional value out of the next Twitter-like thing
The Bird hit another inflection point on Friday. Now, many people, myself included, are looking at alternatives or actively decamping1. It was quite a thing to experience.
Several days before, I read a post about the value one can potentially get out of Twitter. On one hand, it may not age well2. Network-effects will cause Twitter to lose “value” faster than it loses daily/weekly/monthly active users. On the other hand, thinking about how I might get tremendous value out of the next network is a useful thought experiment.
Herein, allow me to riff on how to get a surprising amount of professional value out of publishing to and participating in Twitter-like3 social networks.
The value proposition is two-fold:
- the ability to publish into other folks' attention streams (i.e., reputation building)
- a high-quality stream of information to adjust my own world view/model
On the publishing/write side: note that folks like Patrick, Simon, and Laura are Very Good at Twitter. They’ve been writing there for years, building a reputation. In particular, they form thoughts such that they travel and evolve well on Twitter in particular.
With a lot of practice, I could reach this level of operation. Building the reputation, of course, is about showing up consistently for months and years. A few months of rebuilding my Twitter routine and ‘practice’ and I’m out networking with the best.
In other words, use Twitter as a big professional networking tool4. Instead, the networking happens at the idea level. Contribute and participate in developing ideas and the network comes to you.
On the read side: I'm guessing anyone who enjoyed Twitter in 2022 and gets useful signal out of it is equipped with:
- a well-curated list of mute-words5
- bespoke user lists which focus the valuable discussion and reduce the din of a global social/information network
Throughout its history, Twitter was often adversarial. There’s a “main character” of the day. Many folks come solely to build them up or tear them down. Disagreeing parties come to dunk on each other. Occasionally, they directly engage, but social bubbles/fortifications are the norm.
Anyone who gets professional value out of Twitter ignores that aspect. 🤷🏻♂️ In particular, they are using Twitter itself (or well-considered 3rd party applications) to automate filtering out the noise6.
I’ve dabbled in setting up mute-words and curated, high-signal lists. It worked pretty well at various points in Twitter’s history, particularly in combination. Perversely, now that we’re possibly in the waning days of Twitter’s influence, I’ve got a pretty good setup for finding interesting, new-to-me ideas. Sometimes those ideas put my work, or even the world, in a better perspective. That’s valuable!
Bottom line: you get out of Twitter-like networks what you put into it. The better I write, work the network, choose your sources, and manage the flood of information, the more likely interesting/valuable things will come my way.
- I feel like this happened at least twice before, probably circa 2015 and 2018? ↩
- This started off as a thread that ended with this caveat: “Assuming that Twitter doesn't drastically regress under New Management.” Reader, it did indeed regress. ↩
- Tumblr, Mastodon, Micro.blog, Cohost, Fediverse, etc. ↩
- Not in the way LinkedIn aims to do that around the resume. ↩
- I started with this list, which is unfortunately paywalled now ↩
- Mastodon in particular has community conventions around content warnings and requiring consent to see upsetting images or even posts about ongoing dramas. By social convention rather than software or regulation, this makes it a much better place for human brains to hang out. ↩
Currently digging
Listening: Afrobeat, e.g. Fela Kuti
Best musical discovery this week: an excellent Apple Music playlist Shapeshifting, catalogs jazz fusion with indie, hip-hop, electronic; all the modern genres
Watching: Jon Hamm easily steps into the title character of an apparent Fletch reboot in Confess, Fletch; sharp humor, well written, way better than I expected!
Playing: Marvel SNAP - every few years, I end up playing a card game for a few months 🤷🏻♂️
Reading: Rhodes/The Making of the Atomic Bomb + Gleick/Genius + Wellerstein/Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States - I’m trying reading in clusters. It’s slow going, but I’ve wanted to go deeper on the Manhattan Project for years. Now’s the time!
Last Bob’s episode watched: “Full bars”
I’m rapper slash actor Queen Latifah in her U.N.I.T.Y. phase.
– Gene in Halloween costume
Updating Eisenhower on planning
Previously: a long time ago, Dwight Eisenhower probably said something to the effect of: “Plans are useless, but planning is essential”.
Today, software development (and knowledge work writ large) are largely about speed in the service of more. Iterate faster, ask more questions, get more feedback, deliver more often. Success is less likely about having a good or well-formed idea from the outset, and more about how the idea evolves in the hands of people/customers.1
Let’s update Eisenhower’s insight on planning to harmonize with speed and quantity of iteration:
Static plans are useless, but dynamic plans, developed and iterated as information arrives, are the essence of leadership.
You have to plan. Stopping to think a multi-week project through isn't Waterfall or a slow, bureaucratic process. It's how you get your head into a project.
Lacking a plan isn’t an option2. If you choose not to have a plan, you’ll likely end up part of someone else’s plan. Their plan may not have the same outcomes or parameters in mind as you do. Better to have a plan.
Planning with your team is how you get everyone aligned and pulling in the same direction. The worst cases for a plan, that it’s tragically incomplete or wholly invalid, have a silver lining wherein the team that plans together pulls together. In the best case, you’ve front-loaded a bunch of coordination and collaboration, allowing teammates can work autonomously and efficiently.
The initial plan you or your team come up with is very much a rough draft. Surely risks will make themselves known and areas of unknown complexity/scope will present themselves. Don't worry about rigorously adhering to the plan once you're a few weeks into the project. Iterate and add to the plan until you’ve done all the useful work, and it's time to start planning the next project.
- There is something to say about slowing down, seeking quality at every turn, and delivering a great, monolithic thing. Usually that involves some combination of internal iteration, auteur mindset, a strong creative scene, or harnessing lightning in a bottle. Everyone wants to fall in this category but counting on that is an unhedged risk. ↩
- With apologies to Rush: “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”. ↩
Mastodon & Me, 2nd Edition
A few years ago, I set up a Mastodon account on a now-defunct instance. It didn’t scare me away, is kinda neat in some ways, the Bird has gone chaotic, and so I’m at it again. Like many folks the past few days, I’m setting up a Mastodon presence mostly from scratch.
If you’re on the fence about Mastodon, here’s how to speed-run it:
- skim Simon Willison’s post and follow as many links as you like
- find an instance (i.e. a community/home-room) that suits you and join it
- use Debirdify to find and follow folks who have advertised a Mastodon presence
- start posting to Mastodon; ideally, get as weird as your web presence was before global social networks were a thing
This brings my web presence to at least four interesting locales. Which raises the question, “hey Adam, why do you have so many websites”. Herein, I will answer that with the question they’re intended to answer 🧠 👴🏻:
- My original-ish blog (RSS), answering “hey Adam, what are you thinking about or building?”
- This blog (RSS, @adam@short.therealadam.com), answering “hey Adam, what’s currently intriguing you?”
- Mastodon (RSS, @therealadam@ruby.social), answering “hey Adam, tell me your best one-liners and weirdest hot-takes?”
- Twitter, answering “hey Adam, what are you thinking about, but in a punchier format?”
Sketching yields quantity yields quality
The Art of Sketching: Strategies for Getting Started:
Edouard Manet, the French modernist painter, once gave a still-life painting lesson to another French impressionist, Eva Gonzales. His directions for capturing the moment could be taken as instruction for sketching in any creative discipline; “Get it down quickly. Don’t worry about the background. Just go for the tonal values. See?”
It’s about making music (ostensibly with Ableton), but applies to any creative endeavor. Coding, writing, whatever!
Sketching with regularity can help you let go of the pressure of perfectionism, and arrive at a place of more casual creativity. Simply start, then sift through your sketches to find the gems later. Raúl Sotomayor has found that aiming for quantity tends to result in quality ideas to build from; “I used to make a beat every morning, spending 10 minutes to an hour, and then go on with my day. That was really helpful, because at the end of a week, I’ll have seven beats and most of the time, at least one of them would be useful.”
As a creative principle, “quantity creates quality” has served me well over the past several years. You can’t create quality if you don’t have 1) a starting point and 2) freedom to throw away the lowest quality 90% of the work!
Certified Jams
- “Rhythm Nation”, Janet Jackson
- “Holding Out For a Hero”, Bonnie Tyler
- “Footloose”, Kenny Loggins
- “Partyman”, Prince
Top of Mind No. 1
Delegating: supporting teammates, delivering the right context, setting good outcomes/goals.
Not delegating: managing/mitigating risk, resolving unknowns. “Delegate downhill work, tackle uphill work.”
🤔 Compilers are at once magic and the closest thing to mechanical tools in a software developer’s experience.
✍🏻 Reflecting on using Shape Up for the past few years…
Programming excellence: a small matter of practice
The key is deliberative practice: not just doing it again and again, but challenging yourself with a task that is just beyond your current ability, trying it, analyzing your performance while and after doing it, and correcting any mistakes. Then repeat. And repeat again. There appear to be no real shortcuts: even Mozart, who was a musical prodigy at age 4, took 13 more years before he began to produce world-class music.
Peter Norvig, Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
Norvig's recipe, paraphrased:
- get interested and program because it's fun and continues to be fun
- learn by doing
- talk with other programmers, read other programs ("This is more important than any book or training course")
- work with other programmers and after other programmers
- learn several languages with diverse capabilities and philosophies
- learn the "computer" in "computer science"
And here I am, twenty-five years in, wishing I'd practiced more 🤷🏻♂️😆
Currently digging
Obsession: Ferraris - they’re at a whole other level.
Listening: Ramsey Lewis, “Japanese ambient”
Watching: Andor, She-Hulk
Reading: Welcome to the Monkey House - Vonnegut short stories.
I wonder now what Ernest Hemingway’s dictionary looked like, since he got along so well with dinky words that everyone can spell and truly understand.
Last episode of Bob’s Burgers watched (again): “Bad Tina”.
Mommy doesn’t get drunk, she just has fun.
Write more, coder inspiration, queryable coding environments
Simon Willison on writing about one's work:
A tip for writing more: expand your definition of completing a project (any project, no matter how small) to include writing a blog post (or README or similar) that explains that project
Without this you're skipping a relatively small step that unlocks a huge chunk of the value in the work that you have just completed!
This advice goes for internal company work too
I set up an internal blog at a previous employer using Confluence (because it was already available and has a good-enough blogging feature), but even something as simple as a dedicated Slack channel can work well for this purpose
And, writing more by lowering standards 😮
And as always: one big secret to writing more is to lower your standards
Published but "could have been better" is massively more valuable than something that eternally sits in your drafts
One of the biggest productivity improvements I ever made to my blogging was when I gave up on my desire to finish everything with a sparkling conclusion that ties together the whole post
Now I embrace abruptly ending when I've run out of things to say instead
Spoiler: I’m following this advice right now! 📈
Thorsten Ball collects greatest hits by Steve Yegge (who coincidentally just joined Sourcegraph):
- Rich Programmer Food, on compilers
- Notes from the Mystery Machine Bus, on the political philosophy of software engineering
- The Google Platforms Rant
- Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns, on the ills of typical mid-2000s Java/OO design trends
- Bonus: I had no idea Steve Yegge has an active YouTube channel.
And, on books/screencasts/blogs that have influenced him most as a programmer. A few that have influenced me too:
- Destroy All Software
- PeepCode Play by Play
- Pragmatic Progammer
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby
- Agile Web Dev with Rails
- Rands in Repose
- Code Complete
- 37signals' books
Codebase as Database: Turning the IDE Inside Out with Datalog:
I’ve been wondering: what if this codebase model was as queryable as a database is? What new questions would we ask of our codebases, and what new ways would we find to visualize them? Furthermore, what if the language semantics themselves — types, completions, errors, etc — were specified as queries, which were also introspectable?
I believe that the design of languages and programming environments should not just be the province of a small priesthood of elite developers. Everyone should be able to look under the hood of their IDE, and be free to push its boundaries: embed it in a different context, create a domain-specific language with rich editor support, fork an existing language to play with its semantics, etc.
The opacity of the IDE’s inner model — and the rules by which that inner model is updated — are barriers to this being a reality. For IDEs to be introspectable and hackable, we must first expose this model and these rules: we must turn the IDE inside out.
Sign me up for queryable, malleable IDEs. I like RubyMine and JetBrains' development products a lot. But, I often pine for the speed and low-ceremony extensibility of Sublime Text (or TextMate, back in the day). So let's through "as easily queried as a database" on the pile while we're at it. 😆
See also: Sourcegraph, language servers. (Someone in the back is yelling Lisp, the "Freebird!" of software development.) Furthermore, I wish Jetbrains' MPS was less Java-centric and more tractable.