💪🏻 What I Do
Mission: build successful technology teams that deliver great software.
- 🌲Grow: Give direct reports autonomy to solve problems and support them when ambiguity or blockers arise. Use 1-1 meetings to build bi-directional trust with my team. Hire well to raise the ceiling on a team’s capacity and capabilities.
- 📈Create: Create a feedback loop early and use it to grow impact. High-functioning individuals and teams own projects end-to-end. Writing is thinking; encourage written collaboration as the default.
- 🏋 Coach: Team leadership is like editing a piece of writing; always iterating and clarifying. Select projects for their impact, but maintain quality and attention to detail. Individuals share status asynchronously; teams collaborate, coordinate, and make decisions synchronously.
- 📆 Manage: Vaguely defined work is a fact of life, so collaborate to gain clarity. If I can’t split large projects into coherent milestones, I may not understand them. It’s risky to lack a plan. 🚀 Ship: Release early, iterate often. Measure whenever possible, and go with an educated guess when you can’t. Consistent delivery cures most problems. Systems thinking helps me and my teams understand coupling and second-order effects.
📚 Recently
- Workleap: lead a backend/Rails team through a major upgrade/version migration, started project to integrate Pingboard product into Workleap platform.
- Pingboard: lead/grow/coach a cross-functional team to deliver new product features, build new integrations, support existing code, and respond to operational issues.
- ShippingEasy (acquired by built new integrations and inventory management features.
Previously: LivingSocial (acquired by GroupOn), Gowalla (acquired by Facebook), FiveRuns, PureDiscovery, Tyler Technologies.
Resume here, if that’s your thing.
🤝🏻 Let’s work together
Currently: I’m an “indie builder, leader and blogger”. I’m doing my own thinking and building on: low-road/bespoke software, local-first and sync storage systems, and expanding upon my leadership principles.
Let’s collaborate on growing your team or building your product. I’m seeking a full-time position coaching, leading, and building amazing technology with a team of software developers. If you’re looking for that kind of person, get in touch!
📆 Contact
If chatting face-to-face is more your thing, grab a time on my calendar and let’s talk!