Morning notes, October 03, 2017
I like Bluebottle’s coffee subscription service a lot. The web app is well done and having coffee magically appear in my mailbox means I have far fewer “awww heck we’re out of coffee until I go to a coffee shop” moments. However, I do occasionally mess up the timing, such as right now, and then I have a very first world problem.
Scheduling my time on social media and capping the total time spent, not unlike watching a regular TV show, is an idea with some appeal. It’s probably a good idea for moderating how much daily news one consumes, as well.
I was looking at WP-CLI so I could automate some housekeeping tasks on this blog. It’s pretty close to what I’d like to use, the ideal being something closer to t
. I’m a little wary of installing a PHP tool though. It’s probably the language tribalism talking though. Seems pretty likely I’d save time using someone else’s PHP than figuring it out on my own.