
ui.land is an interview site at the crossroads of design and engineering.

Rauno Freiberg:

Trying to create software with tiny details that feel exciting to build, experience, and remix. Ever discovered a website that you can’t stop playing with and obsessing over? You can just sense the thoughtfulness and quality.

Paco Coursey:

  • What we call a delightful user experience is just delivering a faster path to user goals.
  • You’ll never understand the challenges, tricks, and edge-cases of a note-taking app until you build a note-taking app.

Sam Selikoff:

The best interface is one that’s not there because the desired outcome has already been anticipated.

Rauno Freiburg is building attention to design details

Sitting down and just thinking hard does not magically produce valuable discoveries either. The essence of the word “interaction” implies a relationship between a human and an environment. In my experience, great revelations surface from making something — filling your headspace with a problem — and then going for a synthesising daydreaming walk to stir the pot.

Invisible Details of Interaction Design

👍🏻 This is the excellence in interactions and attention to detail. Moreover, a restatement of the Hickey/Feynman methods for problem-solving. (Is there a restatement of said methods that doesn’t sound lovely?)