Healthcare is a multiplier, not a consumer good

Adam Davidson tells a personal story about a relative who, with health care, could’ve continued his career. Without that healthcare, he ended up addicted and in jail. What the GOP doesn’t get about who pays for health care:

However, dividing health expenditures into these categories misses an important economic reality: health-care spending has a substantial impact on every other sort of economic activity.

Healthcare isn’t consumption, like buying a TV or going to a movie. It is a Keynesian multiplier. Every dollar the government spends on it means an individual or business can spend more than a dollar on something productive in GDP terms.

UPS and FedEx can’t exist without public roads. Southwest and United Airlines can’t exist without the FAA. Lockheed and Northrop can’t exist without the Air Force. Walmart and McDonald’s can’t exist without food stamps. Entrepreneurs find it harder to start without individual access to healthcare.

Yet Republicans are opposed to the existence of all of these. Perhaps business in America relies on more subsidies and government services than Republicans are willing to admit!

Let’s price externalities, America

Hello, America. We have to talk. You are built on top of a mountain of federal (a trillion or so dollars) debt. That debt covers some things we need (roads, health care, social safety nets, education, scientific research) and subsidizes distasteful things (energy companies, military contractors, banks, real estate). You could consider that debt the tip of the iceberg. We can see how it contributes to the annual federal budget in dollars and by percentages. It’s a measurable, knowable thing.

Unfortunately, there’s also a ton of unmeasured debt we are accruing. We have to pay the price for it through social norms and charity. Here’s a hackish list:

  • food service is systematically underpaid so we tip them, most often poorly
  • the people who clean our hotel rooms are underpaid because they are invisible, unskilled, and often immigrant; depending on what you read, you should tip them but they also say you should hide your valuables from them so which is it, leave money laying around or distrust them not to rub your toothbrush in the toilet?
  • we pay a small tax on the amount of gasoline we use, but it is comically low, hasn’t gone up in years, and isn’t enough to pay for the usage of our crumbling roads, bridges, etc. sometimes it's also used to pay for public transit, which is perverse during high gasoline prices if you've studied even rudimentary supply-and-demand
  • our children are raised mostly by women who are expected to just do it for free, despite what else they may want to do with their lives
  • we let financiers play with our retirement money, in theory because they know how to allocate it, get the occasional Google but more often some business tragicomedy, and in return they get to take a few percent off the top, which ends up being a huge number, for the service basically of them having gone to Harvard or their daddy knew a guy
  • millions of people live paycheck to paycheck, go hungry, go into massive debt if life comes at them wrong, etc. all because the Walmarts of the world (and there are way more than just Walmart) pay them next to nothing expecting the federal government to pick up the slack except the federal government has been systematically dismantled over the course of decades by men who fancy themselves smart enough to start The Next Walmart but in fact are barely smart enough to get themselves elected in a fair contest let alone actually lead a congressional district

But I digress and rant. And rant. Economists call these externalities. It’s when you have some accidental cost or benefit that is paid for by a third party, e.g. Walmart paying less than a living wage because the government will pick up the tab through welfare.

Point is, we’re underpaying for a lot of stuff. And that’s fun for some of us. We eat avocado toast, take exciting trips around the world, maybe drive race cars. We sort ourselves out so we don’t see the literally millions of people suffering because we’re not paying what it takes to give everyone a chance at doing better off than their parents or picking themselves up when life knocks them down. And then when some transparently awful populist blowhard runs for president, we’re shocked, just shocked, that he ends up winning.

Bring the higher taxes. Make me pay more to eat out. Charge me more for gas. I don’t mind thinking twice about whether I should subscribe to HBO and Showtime and Netflix. If I can’t go to Disney World as often, so be it.

It’s a small price to pay to have avoided what’s coming over the next four years: an increasingly unequal, unfair world for those of us who aren’t already doing great and white and male. Let me pay more for a greater country where everyone, not just the affluent, seek what it is that makes them happy in life without the fear of illness, bad circumstance, political or racial backlash. Let’s not lord that greater country over people to “motivate them to work harder and escape their current lot in life”. Let’s price the externalities that separate the concerns of the rich from the stresses of the poor and let’s all pay our share.

They're okay political opinions

The downside to the Republicans proposing a healthcare bill is that it’s a major legislative disappointment, given they’ve spent seven years symbolically opposing healthcare. The upside is that, at least, we have something substantive to discuss about healthcare. The silver lining is possibly voters will come to see the Republican party for its cynicism.

What is there to talk about? We could start with David Brooks on how we got to the point wherein the GOP has received their moment in the sun. He argues that neglecting three ideas led us to the propaganda of the Trump era:

First, the crisis of opportunity. People with fewer skills were seeing their wages stagnate, the labor markets evaporate. Second, the crisis of solidarity. The social fabric, especially for those without a college degree, was disintegrating — marriage rates plummeting, opiate abuse rates rising. Third, the crisis of authority. Distrust in major institutions crossed some sort of threshold. People had so lost trust in government, the media, the leadership class in general, that they were willing to abandon truth and decorum and embrace authoritarian thuggery to blow it all up.

Brooks argued Obama should have addressed these crises, which the ACA arguably did for the second. IMO, Republicans stoked all three of these fires while pointing their fingers elsewhere. Supply side economics built the first crisis, privatization the second, and propaganda media the third.

Meanwhile in Congress, Paul Ryan is rolling up his sleeves and saying taking healthcare away from Americans is about giving them freedom. Paul Ryan’s Misguided Sense of Freedom:

...But Mr. Ryan is sure they will come up with something because they know, as he said in a recent tweet, “Freedom is the ability to buy what you want to fit what you need.”

He went on to argue that Obamacare abridges this freedom by telling you what to buy. But his first thought offers a meaningful and powerful definition of freedom. Conservatives are typically proponents of negative liberty: the freedom from constraints and impediments. Mr. Ryan formulated a positive liberty: freedom derived from having what it takes to fulfill one’s needs and therefore to direct one’s own life.

(Positive and negative freedom, as terminology, always confuse me; this bit is well written!) This op-ed makes a nice point: healthcare as envisioned by Obamacare, and other more progressive schemes, imagine an America where we are free from worrying about health care. Preventative care happens because we needn’t worry whether we should spend the money elsewhere or take the day off. Major health care events like pregancy or major illness are only intimidating because they are life events, not life-changing unfunded expenditures.

I cannot understand why, outside of deep cynicism of the American dream, Republicans in Congress would not want this kind of free world.

Perhaps there’s a benign explanation for Paul Ryan appearing to have cut off his phones. Anecdotally, it does not seem GOP Congresscritters are putting much effort into their voicemails or phone lines. I called my representative, Lamar Smith, yesterday afternoon, incensed that he had suggested we listen to Trump and not the media. Both his DC and Austin voicemails were full. I was able to get through this morning and spoke with a staffer who was dismissive but polite.

This practice of neglecting voicemails and only dismissively answering phones during office hours is appalling. The job of our Congress is to represent us. They cannot do that job if they aren’t taking every voicemail, phone, and email into account. Very rarely do I get the feeling Congress wants to even appear they are doing their job.

If I didn’t answer my work email, I’d lose my job. But Congresspeople don’t lose their jobs except for during an election or certain kinds of partisan maneuverings.

Fire Congress anyway. I’ve started with the phones and a whole lot of pent-up frustration. Maybe the infernal hell of fax machines is next?

Clips from unfinished pieces

On the crux of America's challenges:

Part of the American experiment is answering the question, "how can we best take advantage of abundance?" Beginning with manifest destiny and evident in the machinations of Wall Street, one of the story lines of America is the quest to make sure resources of all kind are abundant and generating wealth. But we're arguably at a pivot point. Our money and energy don't go as far as they used to.

How do we make the transition from resource abundance to resource scarcity?

On helping people troubleshoot the Gowalla API:

While this level of self-documentation is quite helpful, sometimes people have questions on the developer list. For this, I've found that asking people to show me whatever it is they're trying to do using curl is invaluable. It's a win-win situation. Often, dropping down to a lower-level tool like curl helps to focus your thinking and makes silly error obvious. If it doesn't become obvious to the API developer, they mail the list with the command they think should work. At that point its either obvious to me and I tell them what to change, or I have a nice, isolated test case from which I can easily try to reproduce their problem.

Who gets screwed when a borrower declares bankrupcty?

Is it possible that bankruptcy-declaring-borrowers are screwing lenders in aggregate? I find it really hard to believe that the banking industry, with its legion of lobbyists and regulatory capture, that any group of uncoordinated individuals could screw the banks.

On the other hand, there was lots of screwing on the part of the banks that led to the financial crisis. Whether it was predatory lending, relying on moral hazard to double down on terrible bets, or asinine compensation structures, the financial industry did something very human. They violated social norms. Except, corporations of this size don't have social norms. They have only market incentives; when the executives, board members, and majority shareholders look at the books, the numbers devoted to "doing the right thing" are probably a rounding error.

On tail recursion and compilers:

Fact of life: modern processors don't execute your code in the order the compiler spits it out.

If your code has, for instance, two adds followed by an if statement, it's pretty likely that second add is going to be executed concurrently or after the conditional. In the world of computer architecture, they call this out-of-order execution, and it's just another service your hard working processor offers to make sure your code runs faster than you ever intended it to.

On shorter cycles of production and the need to get past perfectionism:

Our modes of production are causing us to change how we produce. More and more mediums, be it journalism or software, are produced on shorter timelines. This is leading us to optimize production such that we can bang the content or code that matters into templates that mostly work, but have a tolerance for the rough edges where things don't work.

On Barack Obama's 2010 State of the Union speech that preceeded the health care debate:

Just for grins, I went and read the GOP response to the State of the Union. While they had some vague counterpoints policy-wise, it read mostly as subtle and useless jabs combined with carefully-constructed language to console their base. The GOP is a cynical, gutless organization.

On refactoring and deleting code:

People often say that they would miss having a refactoring browser in languages like Ruby, JavaScript, or anything that is reasonably dynamic. My glib response to this sort of comment is invariably "well, the best refactoring I know is to select the code to modify, hit delete, and start over." Let's take that apart.

I've observed that, despite our best intentions, we are often loathe to change code that we suspect is working, or that we suspect we don't know why it's there. And so, like the planet on which we live, applications accrete into Katamari balls of overly-coupled code that is bound only by locality. Cutting this Gordian knot is often the first step in reclaiming a project.

Deleting code is the knife with which we can attack this problem. Many will acknowledge the goodness of deleting code; it is, quite nearly, a virtue unto itself. I've observed that some of the best developers I know are always on the lookout for ways they can obviate code. So, by way of a strawman, I hope you see that I'm quite correct in this regard.

The political empathy gap

The structural problems in American political discourse are legion. Polarized interests, corporate and special interests, the news/hype cycle, and pundits who serve no real political purpose but exist only as media entities. All of it conspires to misdirect discussions of where our country is, where it needs to go, and how to get there.

Underlying all that is a serious problem. There are two sides to every issue (or so we’re told), and they cannot fathom each other’s position. Empathy is not a characteristic of American politics.

This manifests itself everywhere. Dismissive rhetoric, talking past each other, insulting jabs, moral grandstanding, dehumanizing the other side, binary reasoning, and violent propaganda. Were it the case that conservatives and progressives could understand each others goals, fears, and dreams, these problems would exist on the fringe rather than the mainstream.

Intellectual empathy is a hard thing to come by. We all want to be winners, firmly on the side of the virtuous good. To accept that there is something valid in one’s debate opponent is challenging. To go further and accept ambiguity and uncertainty is even more difficult. It would seem that a majority would prefer comfort in wrongness rather than face up to a world where their side is not that of the virtuous good.

I’m not sure how one learns these things other than seeking out new ideas and opinions. Even then, there’s the intuition to sort the wheat from the chaff, the practice from the principle, the solid thinkers from the eccentrics. Political empathy is perhaps (but hopefully not) the endpoint on an intellectual journey that a pop culture is ill suited to embark upon.

I can’t say that my grasp on the problem is good enough to suggest solutions. Perhaps humor, perhaps better education, perhaps breaking bread, perhaps more journalists growing a spine. I should hope it happens soon, because I’m getting pretty tired of how cynical I am of what politics has become.

Warning: politics

Embedded within the migraine that is American politics are some very interesting ideas. Economics, markets, ethics, freedom, equality, education, transportation, and security are all intriguing topics. Recently, I figured out that the headache comes not from people or trying to make the ideas work, but in politics. Getting a majority of the people to agree on anything is a giant pain of coordination. When you throw in fearmongering, power struggles, critically wounded media, and the fact most people would rather not think deeply about any of this you end up with the major downer that we face today.

All that said, here are some pithy one-liners about politics:

  • If I were part of the Democratic leadership, I’d be wondering how you take the high road in a race to the bottom. And win.

  • If I were a Republican, I’d be wondering how to dig myself out of this giant hole I made by winning a race to the bottom.

  • If I were a libertarian, I’d be wondering how to convince people that the Tea Party is different from what I believe in.

  • If I were a leader of the Tea Party, I’d be wondering what I’m going to do when someone who claims to be a part of the Tea Party blows up a building or goes nuts with an assault rifle.

  • If I were a politician, I’d wonder how much I have to compromise my values and what I really wanted to accomplish but still get enough votes to keep my job.

  • If I were skeptical of climate change due to human activity, I’d be wondering how I’m going to find a spaceship, because this line of reasoning leads to the conclusion that the Earth is about to become very inhospitable.

  • If I were a nihilist, I’d wonder…nothing.

There, have I offended everyone?

Ain't talkin' 'bout the man

Here’s a fun game. “The Government”:

Try something. Every time somebody complains about the evils or failings of “the government,” strike out “the government” and see what results.

Often, simply striking out “government” reveals a completely different, and far more useful, commentary.

On American political insanity

Still crazy after all these years:

Politicians should tone down the rhetoric. Protesters should read some history before making Hitler comparisons. Talk-show hosts should stop pretending that paranoid nitwits are asking reasonable questions.

The Economist does well to explain the insanity that is propagated by American political media. Reading articles like this help me stay sane. Also: ignoring media with deadlines shorter than a week, and consuming as much constructive satire as possible.

Birdland, Forgetting, Libertarianism, Hoboken

Hello, 2009! Let’s try a slightly different format. Starting it out with ““Birdland” by Weather Report”: can’t hurt.

Shawn Blanc says “the best todo software lets us forget”… I absolutely agree. Shawn also pointed out “Rules For My Unborn Son”, which is indeed a great set of guidelines on being a mensch. A choice “JFK quote from therein on optimism”…

Provocateurs “Zed Shaw”… and “Giles Bowkett”… are in much better form when they are tilting against libertarianism. Which isn’t to say that they’re right or libertarianism is wrong. They’re just better at tilting against social abstractions.

If you’ve ever looked at writing tiny web apps or services with Sinatra, you’re probably interested in “what’s proposed on the Hoboken branch” “Ryan Tomayko” has great taste, I tell you.