Rauno Freiburg is building attention to design details

Sitting down and just thinking hard does not magically produce valuable discoveries either. The essence of the word “interaction” implies a relationship between a human and an environment. In my experience, great revelations surface from making something β€” filling your headspace with a problem β€” and then going for a synthesising daydreaming walk to stir the pot.

– Invisible Details of Interaction Design

πŸ‘πŸ» This is the excellence in interactions and attention to detail. Moreover, a restatement of the Hickey/Feynman methods for problem-solving. (Is there a restatement of said methods that doesn’t sound lovely?)

Charles Chamberlain

An “independent researcher & developer focused on making new interfaces to create with”. He’s developing some neat low road (in the How Buildings Learn sense) ideas at the intersection of dynamic languages and web media.

red pear and walnut:

I made a new cloud programming environment called red pear! (redpear.dev) Its goal is to help you build small web apps very quickly. In particular, it helps you build 2012-era, backend-first web apps with the use of ruby and sinatra.

Much like birch, red pear has instant deploys: the code you write is hosted on a dev instance immediately and on a prod instance with the push of a button.

I made a new interface to persistent data for use in red pear: walnut. Its goal is to be easier than something like sql or graphql, especially in the context of smaller apps.

apricot: a structure editor for ui:

It's a structure editor that makes it surprisingly easy to "type" out a user interface.

I originally thought of Apricot as a prototyping tool β€” a place to quickly get some dynamic behaviour wired up to a UI, without worrying too much about pixel-perfect fidelity. Weirdly, a lot of prototyping tools nowadays go the other way β€” focusing on pictoral representation while mostly leaving out semantic behaviour.


A cozy development environment making prototyping and scripting as easy as possible.

Watch the demos!