See me at RailsConf '08
As hordes of Ruby and Rails folks begin the annual migration to Portland for RailsConf, I thought I’d let you know how to find me there this year:
- I’ll join my FiveRuns compatriots (and the epic Rich Kilmer) for Two Apps, Four Daemons and a Gazillion Clients, a panel on The Big Rewrite of FiveRuns Manage. Join us at 11:45 AM on Friday.
- There’s a book signing for all the contributors to Advanced Rails Recipes Friday at 12:35 PM in the Powell’s booth. Come meet me and the other folks who brought you the latest in Rails recipes.
- I’m interviewing the inimitable Geoffrey Grossenbach on Saturday at 3:40 PM in the Heroku booth. Stop by to enjoy the hijinks!
- Rounding everything off, my presentation, Oh, The Fail I’ve Known is at 11:45 AM on Sunday. Come learn from my considerable past mistakes.
That rounds out the conference activities. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t inform you that FiveRuns would like to buy you a drink or two Friday night at Jimmy Maks from 6 to 8 PM. Please to be joining me there!
What I am perhaps most excited about is the RailsEnvy videos that will premiere this weekend. You see, Jason and Gregg were kind enough to invite me to join them in making the funnies this year. Making them was a blast! I’ve seen the finished product and, in my completely biased opinion, I think you’re going to like it.
Of course, I’d love to chat with you (yes, you) at any point in the conference. So if you see me (and I will probably stand out), come say “Hi!” I’m hoping to have something interesting for those that do…