Regarding the 2009 NFL playoffs
The announcers of the Pittsburgh/San Diego game went on and on about what good condition the field was in. I watched the game largely because there was snow on the ground. I wanted the field and weather to become part of the game. We get that so rarely in Dallas.
For some reason, I found myself hoping the Steelers would win said game. I’m not sure why; I’m chalking it up to a wacky world where the Cardinals are going to the NFC championship.
If the outcomes had gone slightly different this past weekend, we could have had two interesting SuperBowl possibilities. First, Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, an all Pennsylvania match. Second, Kerry Collins vs. Kurt Warner, the geriatric match.
This is the extent to which I can write about professional sports without going into my vast conspiracy theories. One hundred words without mentioning officiating ain’t bad, right?