What I'm Thinking
Last night at Cohabitat, we did some lightning talks. The prompt was “What I’m Thinking”. I decided to take a cross-section of topics I’ve been immersing myself in lately. And of course, every good talk needs a gimmick, so I went with some of the fantastic shows on television right now. Here’s a map of the topic:

And here’s a video of my talk:
It’s a whirlwind tour through software, abstractions, economics, finance, Mad Men, business, the messiness of life, Gossip Girl, indie developers, 30 Rock, sweating the details, product development, LOST, life’s interconnectedness and how awesome it is to try to understand all of this.
I hope you enjoy it. I forgot to take questions after the talk, so please feel free to correct me or inquire in the comments.
The Trading Places solution to the credit crunch
Put on your federal government hat. Get the remaining TARP funds out from under the mattress.
- Note bank share prices
- Start buying shares in banks
- Announce you are going to buy every bank in the country
- Let the price go up a bit, but keep buying shares
- When the old guys get nervous, start selling
- Keep selling until prices drop below the noted price
- Put the TARP funds back under the mattress
- Use the profits to prop-up the already propped-up banks
- Insist they actually lend the money this time
At your discretion, send the SEC on an executive retreat and accidentally disable Blackberry email servers.