I'm Corgi-internet famous

Fred, in a nutshell

Neko Case hearts dogs

  1. Post Neko Case’s new single
  2. Neko Case donates $5 to dog rescue


Thor doing his thing

My wife doing the canine agility:


Go Thor!

Fred's business card

I made a business card for Fred.


For those keeping score at home, this is what happens when I’m trying not to code or surf the web at 11:30 PM.

Thor and agility

Watching Thor at his agility classes is really interesting. It’s fun to see the dogs constantly looking up to their person to see what jump or obstacle to go to next. Of course, the class is half dog training and half people training.

I’ve noticed a distinct change in Thor’s obediance since he started taking the classes. He’s more receptive to good boy/bad boy commands now. And, of course, he’ll do anything for food!

Here’s some video I took of Courtney and Thor doing their agility thing.

Agility course made of people



Pinky and the LOLdog




My current foster-hussy-girlfriend. She’s kind of a spaz, but oh-so adorable. Doubly so when she’s “frogged out” as above.

My dog misses me

I’m at the Microsoft Technology Summit this week.

Fred, sleeping on my pillow

Of course, Fred misses me (and I miss him!), so he’s sleeping on my pillow to keep it warm.