Low-key CSS libraries

I like the idea and execution of Tailwind. That said, there’s something nice about dropping a CSS library reference into a new HTML file and getting styled content without adding any classes or other legwork.

The nice thing about these libraries is they imagine, to some extent, a world where the stylesheets browsers use as defaults didn’t look so bland.

  • new.css – if browser defaults looked real nice
  • mvp.css – if browser defaults looked like Bootstrap or the Tailwind examples
  • nes.css – if browser defaults said “heck, we’re going with it” and emulated the look of classic Nintendo game menus
  • tufte.css – if Edward Tufte had been put in charge of default browser stylesheets


ui.land is an interview site at the crossroads of design and engineering.

Rauno Freiberg:

Trying to create software with tiny details that feel exciting to build, experience, and remix. Ever discovered a website that you can’t stop playing with and obsessing over? You can just sense the thoughtfulness and quality.

Paco Coursey:

  • What we call a delightful user experience is just delivering a faster path to user goals.
  • You’ll never understand the challenges, tricks, and edge-cases of a note-taking app until you build a note-taking app.

Sam Selikoff:

The best interface is one that’s not there because the desired outcome has already been anticipated.

Designing with type

Techniques for designing with type characters ~ Authentic Boredom:

Typography and typefaces, without a doubt, are two of the most fascinating aspects of visual design. Great designers can execute great designs with typefaces and nothing else, if required, and certainly if preferred. Design legends Saul Bass and Paula Scher have proved this many times over, and they comprise only a fraction of a very long list of luminaries who can wield type brilliantly.

As I’ve tried to better grasp typography and designing with it, I’ve found its ideal for developers looking to improve their visual design skills. You don’t need drawing skills and you can work in monochromes until you’re ready to try fancy color palettes.

"Science Machine" from birth to completion

How Chad Pugh’s brilliant “Science Machine” came to life:

This illustration is the inspiration behind the Vimeo login page, which is itself a pretty outstanding example of the genre. If you’re quick, you can order a print of the illustration itself.

(Just for my own ego gratification, I’d like to note that I saw this before it appeared on Kottke. And thus, I am a wonderful and unique snowflake.)