Low-key CSS libraries
I like the idea and execution of Tailwind. That said, there’s something nice about dropping a CSS library reference into a new HTML file and getting styled content without adding any classes or other legwork.
The nice thing about these libraries is they imagine, to some extent, a world where the stylesheets browsers use as defaults didn’t look so bland.
- new.css – if browser defaults looked real nice
- mvp.css – if browser defaults looked like Bootstrap or the Tailwind examples
- nes.css – if browser defaults said “heck, we’re going with it” and emulated the look of classic Nintendo game menus
- tufte.css – if Edward Tufte had been put in charge of default browser stylesheets
Applying CSS
Why Programmers Suck at CSS - a great primer on how to get from mechanical knowledge of how CSS works to actually using it to make nice things.