Hot-takes on web browsers

  1. Safari is (on macOS) the only good application and web browser. Chrome is a remarkable feat of engineering but a mediocre application.
  2. Arc is extremely promising. Reimagining the shape, function, and purpose of a web browser for our current computational surplus is a worthwhile endeavor. On the flip-side, I hope that grassroots efforts like the Ladybird browser and browser jams will produce more diversity in how browser engines operate and what it means to construct a browser engine in the first place.
  3. Web browsers, as application platforms and as document viewers, are an incredible technological accomplishment. Trillions of renders per day, things mostly work, and the security/sandboxing model works without embarrassing flaws. Viewed over years and decades, progress in web browsers has been remarkable.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, web browsers are the worst cross-platform application framework except for all the other ones that have been tried.

Adam Keys @therealadam