Nat Bennett, How to write:

  • Write a lot
  • Just Write
  • Read a lot
  • Write every day
  • Walk
  • Have a time and a place for writing
  • Take it less seriously
  • Have an audience

At least as good as any advice I’ve ever given!

There’s lots of reasons that this works but I personally believe that writing is a mechanical skill as much as it is a mental one. Sometimes you just need to run a bunch of words through your writing engine — practice the whole process, from forming a sentence in your brain down to driving the motion of your fingers — to reduce the friction to a point where you can do “real” writing.

As above for writing, so goes for any iterative, world-building creative activity. p.s. coding is an iterative activity wherein a world of thought-stuff is created (and sometimes checked against a computer by executing it and seeing if it all blows up.)