Every experienced Rails developer should pick up Garrett Dimon’s Frictionless Generators. Generators are an often overlooked piece of the Rails puzzle. The book shines a light on getting the most out of generators in your Rails projects. It’s an amazing-looking digital object too, the illustrations are great.

(Before I go further, it’s worth noting that Garrett Dimon sent me a review copy, acted on my feedback, and is generally a pal.)

You should customize generators and write your own

Conventions, in the form of assumptions that are woven into the framework’s code but also exist as a contract of sorts, are essential to Rails. Following those conventions would not work well if creating a new model, resource, etc. wasn’t made easy and consistent without our friends rails generate resource/model/etc. These generators have been present in Rails since the beginning. I’ve used them hundreds of times and thought nothing of it.

A few years ago, I realized that generators had become a public API in Rails and that re-use was encouraged. The guide is a good start. I was able to knock out a simple generator for a novel, but conventional, part of our application. In the process, I realized a couple of things.

No one likes boilerplate and tedium. Generators automate the tedium of boilerplate. This is particularly helpful to less experienced developers, who are likely a bit overwhelmed with trying to comprehend decades of Rails evolution and legacy code (from their perspective) quickly.

Rails developers are under-utilizing this leverage. Every system that makes it past a few thousand lines of code (or several months in use) develops bespoke conventions. These are easier to follow if you can reduce the mental burden to “when you add a new thingy, run rails g thingy”. Added bonus: starting new conceptual pieces in your app from generators encourages consistency, itself an under-appreciated sustaining element in long-lived Rails applications.

Luckily, someone was thinking the same thing I was…

Garrett knows more about generators than anyone I know

The Rails guides for generators are okay. They whet the curiosity and appetite. But, they aren’t particularly deep. When I first tinkered with generators, I mostly learned by reading the code for rails generate model/resource/etc.

Frictionless Generators does not require one to jump right into reading code. It opens with ideas on the possibilities of developing with custom generators. Then, it moves onto the practicalities of writing one’s own generator and crafting a good developer experience. From there, it’s down the rabbit hole: learning about the APIs for defining generators, implementing the file-creation logic therein, writing help and documentation for them, generating files from templates, and customizing the built-in Rails generators.

Garrett goes into as much depth on generators as any other technical author I know, on any topic. Did you know you can make HTTP requests and use their responses in generators? I did not, but Garrett does! Did you know that generators apply the same kind of “oh, yeah, that’s common sense” convention for copying files from generators into applications? I did not, but Garrett does! I don’t think I’d use all these ideas on every generator, but I like the idea that I can return to Frictionless Generators should I have an idea and wonder how the existing, low-friction APIs can help me.

Further, Garrett offers frequent insights into the developer experience and leverage of building generators. On building generators for “fingertip feeling” so developers can easily (and frequently!) use them:

I like to aim for no more than one value argument and one collection argument to keep generators easier to use. Everything else becomes an option.

On approaching generators as high-leverage side-quests:

Remember that the ease of use is generally inversely proportional to the length of your documentation. Assistance first. Brevity second. Content third. Or, be helpful first, concise second, and thorough third. That said, there are a few other categories of information that can be helpful.

For me, a good technical book balances presentation of technical information, the right amount of detail, and wisdom on how to apply the two in practical ways. Garrett succeeds at striking that balance while keeping things moving and easy to follow.

In short, recommended! Rails generators are underrated, whether you’re aware of their existence or not. Smart teams are customizing generators and writing their own bespoke generators. There’s a book on this now, which you should check out if any of this resonated.