Keep in touch with friends, the littlest CRM that could
This year, I’m trying to better keep in touch with friends, family, and former co-workers. It came to my attention that this is, in many ways, a thing for which you would use a customer-relationship management application. This could work, but seems like a lot to me.
Most software starts life as a) a document/spreadsheet or b) a system of long email threads. In that spirit, I thought I might work backwards from what I normally do: build the littlest CRM I can without writing code or using development tools.
I’ve already got Things and Bear in my workflow. Turns out that duo solves the essential part of the problem. Things reminds me to contact a friend/family/co-worker periodically. I keep notes on what folks are up to, what we talked about, when the last time we talked, etc. as unstructured notes in Bear.
That’s it! I’m only one month into this experiment, but I’ve contacted, at least once, most folks I wanted to. 📈