Fewer changes are faster to deploy than fewer changes
Itamar Turner-Trauring, Incremental results: how to succeed at large software projects:
- Faster feedback...
- Less unnecessary features...
- Less cancellation risk...
- Less deployment risk...
πΒ πΒ πΒ πΒ π Β read the whole thing, Itamar’s tale is well told.
Consider: incremental approaches consist of taking a large scope and finding smaller, still-valuable scopes inside of it. Risk is 100% proportional to scope. Time-to-deliver grows as scope grows. Cancellation and deployment risk grow as time-to-deliver grows. It’s not quite math, but it is easy to demonstrate on a whiteboard. In case you happen to need to work with someone who wants large scopeΒ and low riskΒ and low time-to-delivery.