Exemplary documentation: size and purpose
There’s a lot to say about programmer-focused software documentation. It’s more crucial than many developers think, so it is often neglected. Even when its not neglected, it’s often an after-thought. I’ve noticed there are three kinds of documentation I’m interested in.
When I first come across some software, I want short and focused examples of how I can use it for my own purposes. I’m not looking for a lot of theory or exposition; show me the benefit. If I can’t quickly see how the software works and makes my life easier, I’m very likely to discard it. In other words, I want shorter, “tweet-sized” documentation that sells me on the sizzle right away.

If I come back to some software, I often want to learn the whole thing in one sitting. I want a longer document that I can read through in a serial fashion to learn most or all of the concepts and details about using the code. It should cover the domain ideas of the software, the individual APIs, and how it all works together to make something. To continue the metaphor, I want a well-written, “Instapaper-length” document worthy of reading in a comfy chair.

After I start using something, I will often want to return to it to remember how to do specific things or to figure out if a task is possible at all. This is when I lean most on traditional API documentation. One to three paragraphs, easily searched are the ideal here. Kind of like the “Tumblr-post” of documentation.
I’ve yet to find all three of these qualities in the documentation for a single piece of software. Finding that software has done a really good job at one of them is delight enough. I can’t imagine how excited the world, at large, would be if something were to have all three. There would be a lot of rejoicing.