Web design for busy coders
Here it is: I'm somewhere between horribly afraid and way-too-smart to seriously attempt front-end web work. Browsers are not the software whose bugs I am interested in knowing about.
That said, putting information on the web that doesn't look like utter dross is a kind of required literacy in our field. While bravely dipping my toes back into the front-end waters, I recently found some great tricks. Rediscovered, probably, but I'm not sure where the idea originally came from.
Most important: design in greyscale. Color is hard and can lead to tinkering. My goal is to get in and out of the front-end bits quickly, so tinkering is the enemy. Greyscale is one dimensional, greatly simplifying matters. Give important information higher contrast and less important information (and "chrome") less contrast. Now you're done thinking about color.
Almost as important: use a fixed-with font. As a programmer, you look at them everyday, so it's a touchpoint of comfort. Pick a font you don't use in your editor all day, just so you can stare at something different for a while. Copy and paste a "font stack" from the aptly named fontstacks. Make important things big and unimportant things small. Now you're done thinking about type.
The key to avoiding browser dragons, it seems, is to skip horizontal layout, i.e. pull quotes, text wrapped around images, etc. It's pretty easy to use CSS if you only run things down the left side of the page. All the depth and despair of CSS is in trying to get things to appear off the left margin. Don't do that. Leave it to people who know how browsers work and how to manage their gnarly bugs. Now you're done thinking about layout.
It's tempting to think you should make your code examples look really nice. Don't worry about it; highlighting code is of marginal value. You'll never be satisfied with how it looks. The human mind is capable of reading code without a rainbow spectrum of colors. Spend time on writing about the code, not on polishing the colors and how its highlighted.
With all of those things out of the way, your way is clear to think about the really important things. What do you need to say, how do you structure the message, what do you leave out, how do you organize all the information? That's the essence of publishing on the web, not the accidental complexity of making things look interesting.