Know a feedback loop
TDD is one way to create a feedback loop for building your application. Spiking code out and then stabilizing it is another:
For most people, TDD is a mechanism for discovery and learning. For some of us, if we can write an example in our heads, our biggest areas of learning probably lie elsewhere. Since ignorance is the constraint in our system, and we’re not ignorant about much that TDD can teach us, skipping TDD allows us to go faster. This isn’t true of everything. Occasionally the feedback is on some complex piece of business logic. Every time I’ve tried to do that without TDD it’s stung me, so I’m getting better at working out when to do it, and when it’s OK to skip it.
TDD helps me a lot when I have an idea what the problem looks like. Spiking out a prototype and backfilling tests helps me when I don’t know what the problem looks like.
You’re possibly different in how you approach problems. If you’re flying more by the seat of your pants, or you aren’t including the composition and organization of the code in your feedback loop, I will probably insist you work on something that isn’t in the core layers of the application. That’s cool though; as long as you have any feedback loop that will nudge you towards better discovering and solving the core problem, we’re cool.