iPod Spaceman

(With due apologies to the creators of New Math, the writers of 30 Rock and the lovely iPod people.)
What I'm Thinking
Last night at Cohabitat, we did some lightning talks. The prompt was “What I’m Thinking”. I decided to take a cross-section of topics I’ve been immersing myself in lately. And of course, every good talk needs a gimmick, so I went with some of the fantastic shows on television right now. Here’s a map of the topic:

And here’s a video of my talk:
It’s a whirlwind tour through software, abstractions, economics, finance, Mad Men, business, the messiness of life, Gossip Girl, indie developers, 30 Rock, sweating the details, product development, LOST, life’s interconnectedness and how awesome it is to try to understand all of this.
I hope you enjoy it. I forgot to take questions after the talk, so please feel free to correct me or inquire in the comments.
Catch up with 30 Rock
OK, here’s the deal. If you’re not watching 30 Rock, you’re not watching the best show on TV. There I said it. Fortunately, you’ve got time to catch up; the show doesn’t come back until October 30th. To whet your appetite, I give you clips summarizing the “lives” of the two main characters, played by Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey.
Save it for your iVillage blog
I started playing Halo 3 again this week. I am quite rusty at it now - I think I regressed while others greatly advanced. But, that’s a digression.
So I dropped into matchmaking on Xbox Live this morning and joined a group playing the new maps. As I entered the game lobby, a guy was yammering on. It wasn’t your typical “UR GAY” banter you normally get on Xbox Live. This guy was going on about his very mundane Sunday afternoon, even detailing the sandwich he’d had. Now, since the level of decorum on Xbox Live is pretty low (read: non-existent), I put him in his place.
I told him to “save it for his iVillage blog.”
Dead silence…lesson learned! 30 Rock viewers and those playing Halo 3 are a pretty disparate set.
Geek spring break
For the fourth time, I’m at the annual geek retreat in Austin. Since I went when it was but 300 people, I’m obliged to marvel at how big the conference is getting. I remember when we had to walk uphill, through the snow, both ways, on fire, to get to every panel.
This year, I’m going to retire the hoodie I got five years ago wen I first attended SXSW. It’s a big deal, mind you. FYI.
Anyhow, I’ll attend a subset of these sessions, if you’re curious. I’m hoping on “attending” the “hallway track” more often this year. Also, I’m going to take the leap and not bring my laptop with me. Just a Moleskine and my trusty tricorder.
More importantly I’m going to the Austin on Rails Happy Hour and playing at the Rock Band party with The Rural Jurors.
If you aren’t are coming, I will continually lament your absence. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you there!